If you’ve been getting regular massages, you probably know one of your massage therapist’s techniques: targeting pressure points within your body for pain relief, depending on your body’s current needs.
Acupressure is a technique for treating illness and discomfort by triggering the body’s self-healing capabilities. It has been around for more than 2000 years and started in Chinese Traditional Medicine.
How do pressure points work?
Utilizing pressure points is a part of the acupressure and reflexology disciplines, which investigate the connections between various parts of the human body. It is believed that the hands contain many of the body’s most effective pressure points.

If you’re still waiting for your next massage appointment, learning how to make use of your hands’ pressure points can be helpful for instant relief and relaxation. Simply pause, take slow breaths, and add pressure to your hand depending on what you need today. Screenshot or save the image above for your easy hand pressure points guide!
Useful tips from Jen:
-Squeeze with moderate pressure up the length of all fingers
-Massage all sides of the fingers
-Experiment with the amount of pressure to provide the best relief for your symptoms
-Put down your phone to ease some of the stress you’re holding in your hands and body (literally holding 24/7!)
-Incorporate acupressure into your daily routine. Take just a minute every morning and evening when you brush your teeth!
And if you need more help, simply book a massage and I’ll do the work for you!