New year, better you: Why you need a regular massage this 2021


Are you tired of giving up on your New Year’s resolution before January 19th every year? What if I told you this year could be different? I know, I know… every year, we say things will be different and we’ll do better.

Massage therapy in Dayton, Ohio

But 2020 hit us pretty hard — it was an awakening experience that reminded us to take better care of ourselves. So… what if you could make huge improvements in your life with just one hour (or 90 minutes!) of dedicated rest per month?

One hour of sinking into a warm massage table and NOT thinking about how overwhelming your to-do list is. One hour when no one is asking you to do anything! I think THAT would make you happier! Agree? (I see you nodding!)

Schedule more massages this year

And that’s why you need to add a regular massage to your New Year’s Resolutions. Read on if you need more convincing!

Less Stress

One of the most known health benefits of massage is stress relief. Research shows that a simple 10 minute-massage can activate the body’s system for overcoming stress.

Sleep Better

Massage can help you sleep better too (even if you don’t nap during the actual massage). If you’re tossing and turning all night long because you can’t get comfortable or because you’re in pain, it’s time to book yourself an appointment. 

Lose Weight

If your neck and low back stopped hurting, maybe you’d stick to that workout plan too! That would surely make losing weight a bit easier. Especially if you were getting great sleep and could maintain your energy instead of always being exhausted. (You know where I’m going with this yet?)

Be More Productive

Without the back pain and with more energy you won’t have to put everything off until another day. You can stop procrastinating and do the dang things now! That includes finally decluttering closets and the catch-all room that looks like a tornado came through (no, I haven’t been spying on you – I just know we all have that room!). 

Imagine taking time for yourself and feeling the benefits long after you leave the massage room. And then when you get regular massages, your whole life changes! Regular massage can mean weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Whatever works for you is just fine, but stick to it. 

After you get a massage, I’ll always ask if you want to schedule your next appointment. Do it! Maybe even schedule a few at a time so you always get your favorite day and time. Whenever you’re ready, go ahead and grab an appointment with one of our professional massage therapists

At the end, who doesn’t want to RELAX this 2021? I know we all deserve it.